Please help Support Us
There are two ways in which you can support The Shopfront’s work: by financial donation and/or by volunteering. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Donations & Volunteering
You can make a financial donation to The Shopfront by visiting, post or online banking. Cash, electronic transfer or cheques are acceptable.
All donations $2.00 and over are tax deductible. If you require a tax deductible receipt, please include a note to this effect together with your name and address details.
If donating electronically, please contact us for our BSB and account number. If donating by cheque, please make payable to “The Shopfront” and cross non-negotiable.
Post: The Shopfront
PO Box 111
Telephone: (08) 9371 9109
You can volunteer your time and skills at The Shopfront.
Duties include:
- Preparing and serving food and drinks to our visitors.
- Writing down the names of people on a daily list.
- Sitting and chatting with them and perhaps referring them on for an interview.
- Washing up and cleaning as the day progresses.
- Storing food in the cupboards and refrigerators.
- Cleaning up thoroughly after closing.